Hi friends Google s chrome is the latest craze. Why am I writing this after a long time since it has released? I never write things which I never use or know completely about it .I was using chrome since its release and I’m now completely satisfied with it and so I’m writing it .the Google s chrome is absolute stunner and it s very fast than any other browsers in the market (I guess).In the past I had been using internet explorer then opera and Firefox but I have never been so comfortable as chrome. It has several features and more than that it is so simple and easy to use. For any products the user interface is very important and chrome has best in it. The best thing is it is using incognito that is in this mode no history or cookies will be saved in your hard drive it is called porn safe mode and think many will benefit from it. Its download capabilities and time response for a page to open are mind blowing. Also the download limits for a page is very less than any other browsers. it also shows the cache of the page when the server is broken down and has a lot more facilities still I have to explore .As for as my experience a browser in beta stage is too good to be chrome and hope Google will soon release its main version. For XP and vista users try Google chrome and for Mac and Linux users sorry you have to wait for a while.
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